Christmas calendar and Christmas chocolates

Chocolatey and exciting Christmas calendar

Christmas calendar and Christmas chocolates Here you will find a large selection of exciting and chocolatey Christmas items
Christmas calendar and Christmas chocolates Chocolatey and exciting Christmas calendar

Here you will find a large selection of exciting and chocolatey Christmas items

  • Advent calendar filled with delicious Peters pralines and chocolates

    AR like Augmented Reality - the big surprise with an app

    An Advent calendar with delicious Peters pralines and at the same time so much more - these are our mysterious AR calendars. Download the Peters App from the Playstore or App Store and scan your calendar; previously hidden functions will come to life!
    Gears turn, mysterious devices are lovingly animated in motion. The praline of the day comes flying towards you and reveals more about yourself - great fun even for us adults.
    And if you are looking for special surprises for your little ones: of course, our Advent calendars are also available in fine alcohol-free mixtures.

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  • Advent calendar with Peter`s pralines and chocolates

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  • Advent calendar with Peter`s pralines and chocolates

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  • #userlike_chatfenster#