Herbert Zillinger Winery Austria.

ORGANIC wine from Austria = Natural Wine.

Herbert Zillinger Winery Austria.
  • Herbert Zillinger Winery

    Organic wine from Austria

    Being a winemaker. This is life for us. With an inward-looking look at our wines and their slow, steady development. To our nature-loving craft, which we practice with passion and ignore common fashions without compromise. To the origin of our work, which we are constantly moving towards. Through responsible agricultural work, towards natural circular farming, and even more holistic thinking. With the aim of giving our wines and ourselves time to mature.
    Our wines are completely natural. Nothing is added and nothing is removed during the entire vinification. If necessary, only a minimum of SO2 is added before filling for stabilization.

    copyright text: zillinger.bio

    copyright photo: zillinger.bio


    Hello Mrs Ladybird! Ladybugs, Luzei, ground squirrels, daisies, field mice, dandelions, butterflies, coltsfoot, bumblebees, yarrow, bees, bluebells EUR
    That and much more grows, crawls and flees in our vineyard. For this reason alone, the conversion to organic viticulture and then to biodynamic viticulture in 2016 was worthwhile. Above all, however, it is always about the quality of our wines and our attitude towards life. The incentive was to make it even better and livelier through this original way of working. And it works!
    But here is perhaps the most important of all driving forces:
    We don`t want harmful chemicals. Not in the air, not in the food and not in the wine. For the sake of our children, our employees and ourselves. Biodynamic as a logical consequence.

    copyright text: zillinger.bio
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